1st Trimester

Rant! How Ironic -_-

I'm 11 weeks pregnant. I'm a teacher at a preschool. Their philosophy is all about the importance of respecting children and the importance of doing what's best for a child's needs. 

But I announce I'm pregnant and I have felt like both of my doctor's appointments have been problems.

I recently got back from my delayed honeymoon and I was gone for 2 weeks-BUT I literally told my boss about this before she even HIRED ME. So she had the option of not hiring me if it was going to be an issue.

So when I made my first appointment after getting my health insurance she claimed that 

a) I originally told her I didn't even WANT health insurance (NOT TRUE)

and that she felt as though the whole center was revolving around my needs.

She still gave me the time off for my appointment, but she held a grudge for a while.

So I gave like...3 weeks notice for my next appointment, and I never even got the approval slip back, I had to ask her about it.

I told my co-teachers as soon as I scheduled it, and then I gave one of them a reminder about it the day before. Well, ONE of them (who is already kind of annoyed about me being pregnant for some reason) got annoyed because she said I didn't tell her about the appointment, and then she went and TOLD MY BOSS that she had NO idea that I had an appointment on that day. 

So I got yet another lecture from my boss, who told me that I need to be 'cautious' when asking for time off for appointments, and that I should just try to schedule them on the weekends or after work.

WELL, I'm the closer so I don't get off until 6:15, and my obgyn's office closes at 5 and isn't open on weekends. I REALLY like my obyn and I refuse to change practice because I work at a school FOR YOUNG CHILDREN who ironically is annoyed about my prenatal appointments. Honestly, I would almost rather be fired.

I haven't EVER acted entitled at my job,so it's not like people are annoyed because I'm DEMANDING anything.  In fact I've been super apologetic about my appointments (which I don't really think is fair but I'm just 'talking the talk' I guess). 

In a perfect world I would just work full-time from home (I have a PT online job that pays well, and I could definitely earn more than I do at my school if I went Full Time) , but then I would lose my health insurance.  

I just don't know what to do. I love the kids I work with, but I think it is ridiculous that I have to feel BAD or guilty about needing time off because I'm freaking PREGNANT!  I'm just..so annoyed. Maybe I'd be better off working a desk job or something, I don't freaking know.


IAmPregnant Ticker
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