
Is giving my 8 month old a pacifier a bad idea?

I EBF my 8 month old and he is constantly up through the night.  Sometimes to eat, but sometimes just for comfort.  He took a pacifier from about 1 month old to 3 months old, then didn't want it anymore.  I also could never get him to take a bottle.  However, I am currently considering trying the pacifier again as a way to help him sleep better.  I know babies have the need to suck for quite a while still, and I'm just wondering if maybe we would both benefit from a little more sleep.  I don't know for sure that he would even take it.  Does it seem like a bad idea at this point?  I know most docs/dentists recommend getting rid of it by the age of 2, so part of me says that if we've made it this far, to just keep going, rather than have to worry about weaning off a pacifier later.  The tired part of me says some sleep would be nice... 

 I'm also hoping it would help with naps, as it is difficult to get him to lay down without crying.  Thoughts?

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