3rd Trimester

Come ON already! (overdue rant)

I'm done.  Just done.  Done with the pelvic pain, the sore skin over my belly, the supplements, the high-protein diet, the carpal tunnel, the hot flashes, the false labor...  Just done.  

Random friends and relatives on the internet, stop guessing days.  I was having contractions right until MIL texted that "today's the day!"   They started again briefly, then SIL reported that my 2 year old nephew said "Alexander is coming out of Auntie's tummy!"  (They've FINALLY restarted after 8 hours.  But still not enough to mean anything.)  Either this kid or my uterus are being pig-headed as I usually am.  So STOP trying to tell them what they intend to do.  Also, why are you posting "past due" eviction notices on my facebook and saying "people are waiting on him!"?  No !@#$.  (I know they mean well.  I know they just want to make me smile.  But I get enough of the "get him out already" from my mom and husband.)

Also, Mom and DH - stop jumping every time I seem uncomfortable.  It is usually just hip pain.  Most of the contractions I AM having are either too weak or too irregular to mean anything anyway.  Stop looking at me expectantly every time I have a hard time getting up.  I have a freaking watermelon attached to my abdomen - of course it's difficult to move like a normal person.  Stop saying "OK, it's time for labor now!" like it inconveniences YOU that he's late.

 Lastly, kid, get out already.  Sheesh.

I know I'm just getting grumpy and hormonal, and that everyone means well.  I'm just... grumpy and hormonal and don't want to take it out on people that mean well. 

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