1st Trimester


Well, I'm going in tomorrow for my first appointment. I'm almost 7 weeks. I read that  babies heart starts beating this week but would it be too early to hear a heartbeat or see anything on an ultrasound?

 Also, I have no symptoms. Like, to the point of me making my husband go to the dollar store and buy pregnancy test so I can make sure I'm still pregnant. I know. I'm crazy. 


This is my first pregnancy and my siblings were born very far apart from me. 7 and 11 years apart so I remember my mother puking every morning and just feeling awful at the sight and/or smell of some things, being tired, etc. I guess I expected to be the same.

 Is it normal to not have any symptoms? I did have really enlarged breasts but they settled down a bit and not near as sore. I keep reading the week 6 is called "hell week" but.. I'm not in hell. 


Am I just being crazy? Or can this mean early signs of a miscarriage? 



Daisypath Anniversary tickers BabyFetus Ticker FuzziBunz at Nurtured Family
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