
DS still won't eat - help please!

DS is 4.5 months, is EBF (with a spoon of avocado/banana per day) and I went back to work on Monday this week.  My parents are watching him and he has been taking less and less during the day.  He took 6 ounces on Monday, 5 ounces yesterday, and today he only took 2 ounces.  I don't believe it's the bottle/nipple because we have always given him 1 bottle of pumped milk per day, of which he used to take anywhere from 2 to 5 ounces.  Oh and he is content during the day and naps well, so aside from the eating thing, this doesn't seem to be related to being apart from me.

So right now our schedule looks like this: I feed him at 6:30 a.m., my parents try to feed him at 10:00, 1:00, and 4:00, and then I feed him again at 5:30, 7:00, 10:30, and one MOTN feeding at 3:00 a.m.  He does eat a lot more during the times that I feed him, and had a big dirty diaper and enough wet diapers for the past 2 days, but it may all go downhill from here.

Any ideas?  We tried switching bottles and going longer between feedings, but neither has helped.

My parents can potentially come drop him off at my office during lunch time for one more feeding, but even so, I'm worried that he won't be getting enough if he keeps refusing to take enough from the bottle.  I'm really concerned and just spent the past hour crying over this.  Any advice would be greatly appreciated. 

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