3rd Trimester

XP: Drop from 50th to 29th percentile?

Hey ladies. Anyone have this happen? I have been getting growth scans since week 28 because I have high blood pressure issues. BP has been under control but in the past 2 weeks it has been creeping up - not dangerously so and no protein has been found in urine, but it is creeping up a bit. For my first 2 growth scans I was 50th percentile then today all of a sudden I am measuring in the 29th.

I know the 29th percentile is just fine, it's the drop that concerned me. The doctor wanted to put me on the monitor for a while to make sure baby's movements and HB were fine and everything checked out okay. He said it's within their "margin of error" but I am afraid he just said that to make me feel better. I am just concerned my baby isn't growing like it was. I am monitoring BP from home and go in again next week for a regular check and in 2 weeks I get another growth scan.

Anyone go through something similar?
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TTC since March/April 2010
DX: MFI - less than 1 million sperm, 26% motility
DH put on anastrozole to increase counts
June/July 2011 100 mg Clomid + TS IUI#1 & IUI 2 - BFN :-(
Forced break due to DH getting spinal surgery in August 2011
IVF - January 2012: BFN
FET in April 2012 - BFP at 6dp5dt! Beta #1 at 9dp5dt: 82.5, Beta #2 at 12dp5dt: 352 Beta #3 at 19dp5dt: 6000, saw heartbeat and one little bean at 5W6D!
After nearly 3 years of waiting our LO was born December 18th 2012!
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