3rd Trimester

SLEEP!!! Please read..would like courteous opinions

Hello Folks! i am just a little over 37 weeks. I am a High School teacher and am working right up until I give birth. For financial reasons, this is a neccessity. Work isnt too bad, the biggest problem is that I cannot sleep at all. I am maxed out at about 3-4 hours a night. I saw my Doc for the 37 week appointment today and he prescribed me Ambien. He said try not  to take it every night, but other than that, didnt have any concerns (i am assumnig if he had concerns, he would not prescribe it). Any opinions on this?? Anyone taking this for the same reasons? I want you all to know that i am not a big prescrition drug person, and if I did not feel like i desperately needed it, i would not even consider it.
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