3rd Trimester

RP from C-section--mad at DH--hormones or justified?

Mad at DH

After my posts below re: help needed....Saturday 12/15 is probably my first day home after c-section.

Just talked to DH who said something about, "well, you know, this is still my super busy time at work, so I don't know what you're planning for Saturday but if I could do some stuff that would be great." I told him my parents are coming, but they are coming to be EXTRA HELP--not so that he can go off and do whatever. Told him he could do more work while I'm still in the hospital, but on the first day home w/ new baby I really don't think he should plan to be working. I know my parents would be mad that they jumped through hoops to come help and then DH just took off. I'm sensitive to this already b/c I thought with our 12/10 (non-c-section) baby I was on my own way too much right away and was totally exhausted and stressed. Then he got all annoyed about the fact that both my parents WERE coming, and about it being "too many people in the house" and stressful, which yes, it is stressful when they come, but it also will be a huge help to me and I'm mad that he's making an issue of this. They are coming no matter what b/c I need to know someone will be there to help. I just feel like he doesn't GET IT--I am having SURGERY and will have another baby and 2 toddlers and that first weekend I am sure I will still be a mess. If it ends up being too much help, it's only for a day or two, so everyone else can just DEAL WITH IT. Ugh.

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