
some questions.. big boobs and milk supply

Greetings ladies,

problem 1

I am now the proud mother of fraternal twins.  They were born at 38 weeks 4 days. My milk has finally come in but it seems like A LOT.  I am wondering if this is because the nurses were all over me about feeding my twins and i tried to hard to get my milk to come in.  I had to supplement formula for 2 days because I could only pump 10ml or so 2 times a day. One of my boys was 5lbs 6ozs and the nurse wanted him to be fed every 2 hrs or so. They drink about 45 to 50 ml's now due to the supplement instead of 5 to 10mls per feeding. I am able to easily pump or breastfeed the 45 to 50mls and more to feed both of these little guys.  Which is great.  My question is are they getting the nutrients they need?  I read about too much milk can be bad because they aren't getting the rich fatty milk vs the thin milk.  I have to pump before breastfeeding or my little ones can't latch on to their assigned boob due to the engorgement.  I guess since I am feeding two babies this could also be the reason as well. 

problem 2

I am a DDD.  Engorged they now have their own zip codes.  I feed my boys using the football method.  I am wondering if there are any other positions that I can use.  I would love a lay down position.   

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