
3.5 month old refusing the bottle?

My son is 3.5 months old.  He is nursed and bottle-fed with breast milk.  In the beginning of November, I went back to work and he started at daycare.  He was drinking about 5 oz from the bottle every 3 hours.  He had no issues drinking from the bottle even when I was giving it to him.  Within the last week or so, he barely drinks from the bottle every 5 hours.  He will nurse fine with me around 6:30/7 in the morning for the same amount of time he usually does.  When he gets to daycare or my mother in law (who also watches him while I?m at work), he waits until about 11:30 to finally take the bottle and will only drink about 2 oz.  If they try to feed him any sooner, he will cry and refuse the bottle.  Then when we get home at night, he nurses fine (every 3 hours...6 hours through the night)?no issues.  He did have a cold and an ear infection which I thought may have been the issue but he?s pretty much over that now and is still doing the same thing?nursing fine but not taking the bottle very well.   Any suggestions on what I should do?  Or Any ideas of what may be the problem?

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