
Reintroducing breast after clipped tongue tie

Any ideas on reintroducing the breast to 7week old after a tongue tie?

we hadnt had success before hand with direct breastfeeding. We used nipple shield with success, but he wasnt able to get enough milk due to tongue tie.  Bc of weight issues, From 4-6 weeks we used pumped milk bottles with nursing only 30 min a day so he wouldt forget how.

Directly after tongue tie procedure he nursed with nipple shield and then took bottle.  Next feeding he nursed successfully 2.6 oz from direst breastfeeding(weighted feedings)!  But since he hasnt been able to breastfeed directly.  He screamed at the breast for a few feedings,then bottle fed.  Since 4am he nursed from nipple shield, but not enough so i gave bottle.  

 The goal after procedure is that he feeds directly from breast.  Any experience with how long that might take? Or exercises to help tongue do its thing?  Ideas on getting him to not scream At breast? 

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