1st Trimester

Matron of Honor

Not sure where to post this bc I know all of us are in our 1st trimester...but to those of you who are on number 2 can maybe answer this better?  My sister (my best friend as well) is getting married in May.  I'll be 30 weeks at her wedding and I'm the matron of honor.  She's already ordered the bridesmaids dresses (before I got pregnant)- they are being hand made from a gal overseas.  We are going to wait til I'm 12 weeks to do something about my dress (bc I miscarried last time).  How in the heck do I guess what size I'm going to be???  I am already guessing the dress I ordered won't work bc the gal making it only goes so big- which I'm fine with paying that one and getting a different one but I'm just nervous bc I know I won't find a dress similar to a hand made one but how the heck do I guess on a size?  These ones she ordered won't be here until April-so not much time for alterations if that's even a possibility.  Any suggestions or anyone been in this situation? 
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