3rd Trimester

amniotic fluid.

I just had a question.

Last night I woke up in a sweat & I was drooling lol. So I had like three wet stains on my shirt, and my undies and crotch of pj pants were damp.

So I started panicking a little and was thinking 'people said their water leaks, not always gushes.'  So i changed my undies & pj pants and laid down for a half an hour and got up to go potty to see if i was wet still. everything was dry. which made me feel better.

when i went to the bathroom the first time i woke up  i felt like stuff was leaking from my vag. I don't know if that was a mix between sweat & natural juices or what.

so my question is if you leak amniotic fluid, how long does it leak for before it stops? & how do you know that it's amniotic fluid?  

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