1st Trimester


Hi all you new mommies to be. Firstly, my name is LeeAnn. I have a 5 year old daughter and currently pregnant with my second child after TTC since Feb 2012. I'll be d weeks pregnant on Saturday and my due date is 10 Aug 2013. But I'll be going the csection route again as I'm to small to give natural birth very sad about it. So guess baby will be born either the 19th or 26th July. I'm going for my first gynae and sonar visit on the 2nd Jan when I'll be 8 and a half weeks pregnant. Right now I just want to find out if there's just 1 baby in me since twins are very popular in my inlaws family and its going to hit our generation. So I'm secretly hoping its not me and rather my sister inlaw. Hehe.

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