
so tired of breastfeeding

I am so tired of breastfeeding. LO is 7.5 months, she's a great eater. She didn't take a bottle very well and then she developed Milk Protein Intolerance (MPI) and so we stopped supplementing with formula (like at church or if I wanted a day away) and just went to EBF'ing. I'm currently a SAHM due to loosing my job right before LO came, so it was good timing, I had been thinking of staying home, it just worked out.

I love being home with LO, I love playing with her and watching her grow. But goodness, I am so tired at the end of the day. I just feel like I'm only being used for my body, at night it seems like all she wants to do is be held by me or nurse, than DH wants to hug and cuddle and I"m just like I want my body back! I've explained that to DH and it hurts his feelings, so I'm trying to be understanding and patient.

I just am so torn, I know I need to BF for our budget, it's tight we can't really afford formula and I don't like all the extra-nutrients it pumps into her, so I would prefer BF'ing but I just get so frustrated being tied down all the time. I've tried pumping but I can't seem to get it all out (manual and automatic). I just don't know.

Thanks for letting me vent.  

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