3rd Trimester

TMI question regarding mucous plug

Okay this is way TMI, but when I went to the bathroom once this afternoon and once this evening I had a bunch of super sticky, thick mucous stuck to me.  I've had more discharge than usual, as to be expected, but this was unreal lol.  I remember hearing mucous plug from reading the board, so I looked it up and I'm wondering if I didn't pass it.  There was no blood in it at all.  I'll be 29 weeks tomorrow.  Is it a common thing to pass it at this point?  Should I be concerned?  Depending on the consensus, I will probably call my doctor to make sure.  However, since it's nighttime, I figured I would ask here and see if it's no biggie or would be a laughable question to call my doctor with.  Thanks in advance!

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