July 2012 Moms

MIL Whine

Can I biitch about something stupid for a minute? I'm sure this is going to sound totally flammable to some of y'all, and I'm even rolling my eyes at myself for complaining, but I'm irrationally annoyed with MIL right now. 

I found out from my SIL that MIL bought Dex his convertible carseat (a really nice Britax one).  I am super excited that she did, and grateful, etc. etc.  Where I get irritated is that SIL also told me laughingly that MIL spent the money to buy a second Britax seat - for her own car.  Now, normally I would say that is awesome that Grandma has her own, we don't have to worry about hauling that thing in and out of our car to hers whenever Dex visits her EXCEPT for one thing.  She has made the effort to visit this kid no less than 7 times in the past 6 months since he was born. 

I don't know if you guys remember, but we had a bunch of issues surrounding his birth with MIL's creepy boyfriend, which ended in us not wanting Dex to be around the boyfriend.  Which means that if MIL wants to watch the baby, it has to be at our place.  It sucks for her, I hate that it ended this way, but DH and I are both on the same page about it.  As a result, MIL doesn't hardly ever come over, ask about LO, or ask if we'd like to meet her for dinner (because the boyfriend isn't invited), so she really hasn't seen him.

 So WHY she needs an expensive carseat for herself is beyond me.  I realize this is so irrational, since it's her money to spend, but my temper is flaring...maybe it's the residual hormones, maybe it's just that this entire situation has me ticked off so that now anything she does gets to me.  I don't know.  Someone slap me upside the head so that I can just get over it before DH comes home.  I hate complaining about his mom to him - he understands, he gets that she is crazy...but it's still his mom, and I feel bad.

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