1st Trimester

Doctor wants me back for another preg test??

Hey ladies..

So I just got my BFP on Friday of last week, so just 5 days ago. I am very early, as this is only the week I would be getting my period if I ovulated when I think I did. I did an 'early' at home test. 

(long story short I never got my first period after coming of BC Pills, I just ovulated and got pregnant this month after 3 months of nothing!)

 I was super pumped that I was pregnant, did a few tests at home Fri and Sat just to be sure! Went to the doc last night, to do a first appointment - having no idea what to do. So they took blood to confirm my pregnancy and said once its confirmed we'll book my first prenatal.

Well they just called and said, yes its positive, but they want me back in on Monday to do it again. I asked the nurse why and she said, "oh some doctors just like to do it again a week later just to make sure things are progressing"

Should I be concerned?? I know its very early, so my hcg levels are likely very very low. I asked a gf who has kids and she said that its normal and they just like to make sure your levels are going up quickly like they're supposed to.. but I still can't help but be a bit worried...

Anyone else have this happen to them?

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