
Comment on/critique recovery help plan: 1st C-section with 4 yo and 2yo at home

My c-section is scheduled for the 12th. Maybe something will happen sooner, or maybe breech baby will turn, but I'm trying to make tentative plans, which is really hard just not knowing how I will feel! Plus everyone's schedules are tight b/c of Christmas.

12--15th in hospital: Have DH come and go during the day, stay overnight with me the first two nights, and sleep at home on night 3 with the kids. Kids at his mom's house the first couple nights and with nanny during the day.

15th/16th: I am asking my mom to come so that both my mom and DH could be around for the day I get home and the following day, so that one could help me/baby and one could help with the kids. What do you think? I don't think DH is really "getting it" and when I mentioned having my mom come, he said, "oh, good, than I could go do some work and stuff." I had to explain, no, the point is to have someone there for the kids plus someone for me!! 

17th--21st (days 5--9 post surgery): have one helper at home with me pretty much the whole time, between the nanny and DH

22nd--26th or so (days 10--14): Family will be in town for Christmas; mostly OK with random helpers? Should I make sure someone is with me and the kids full on 22nd and 23rd? 

THANKS!! I can't predict how everything will go but I would rather be "overprepared" with help than left on my own and struggling, especially with all the Christmas stuff going on at the same time. 

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