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When Fear Overtakes Rational Thought

My wife is 10 weeks, 6 days. The last few days she has had some dark brown discharge - similar to what happens right before her period. Last night as we got ready for bed, she noticed a small amount of bleeding when she went to the bathroom. A very small amount. But it was bright red.

So far it has been a completely issue free - and for the most part symptom free - pregnancy. The bleeding stopped almost as soon as it started, but we called the overnight nurse line anyway.

I know spotting is not uncommon - even bright red spotting - but this irrational fear has completely overtaken me. Didn't sleep a wink last night and am waiting for them to call and see if they will move up our ultrasound which is scheduled originally for Thursday for a NT scan.

I think part of the issue is the fact that so far all we've done is go to a 6 week initial doc visit where we just talked through the process and went over what to expect. We've yet to see an ultrasound or hear the heartbeat - making this all the more terrifying.

The reality is my wife is 31, in good shape, works out a few times a week, eats healthy, is not a smoker, drinker and has no family history of pregnancy issues. So I know the odds are all in our favor.

Anyway, I just had to vent that all out. Thanks for listening.

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