3rd Trimester

more and more stress

This past month i have not had a moment to relax at all. My DH started a new job a week ago and he has two more weeks of academy left for it until he starts his permanent shift. They told him he is only allowed to miss one day because he would fall to far behind and be let go. So i have been constantly worried about if i go into labor if he will be there or if im in labor for a long time he will lose his job. I do have my mother who would be there but its far from the same and she makes me more frustrated and nervous in tense situations. I'm still working full time until the day before my due date and my new manager constantly makes rude comment about me not being as useful and that im putting him in a bind when i leave. I do the same amount of work that i did before i just cant lift and move pallets of water. i told my store manager about him and he just says he is joking and that's his sense of humor. lately i have no support at home. DH is still getting use to waking up at 4 for his job and he is tired when he gets home. so i clean and cook before i go to work so we have a meal to eat that night. he complains that he never gets a break to juts get away from people and work but i haven't had that option in 2 years. right now i just want to scream that i want to have a small break before the baby come but i cant. if i do nothing is done and im the one that will suffer from that. 


its all over the place and im sorry i barely slept at all and im at wits end i have been crying all morning from stress i just need some advice. 

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