3rd Trimester


Hi, I'm a STM due in 2 weeks with a little boy and I am SO nervous!  My daughter is almost 3 and I can honestly say that I wasn't this nervous at all with her, even with it being my first pregnancy!  I went over my due date and had to be induced with her which for me was a wonderful experience....almost no pain, very little labor and pushing, and in no time she was here.  I guess I'm just nervous that this one won't go as well.  Sounds completely crazy, but does anyone else hope to be induced?  I'm terrified I'll go naturally and won't be able to make it to the hospital, especially in the middle of December if the roads are bad.  I've also heard A LOT of stories that if your first came quickly, the second will come even faster......I don't want to be the lady who has her baby on the side of the road on the way to the hospital, lol!  Seriously though, does anyone else feel the same way??
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