1st Trimester

Higher Body Temp in PG?

I usually run "cold" (maybe 97.8 degrees or so - common in my family) I have noticed for the last couple days (week) I have been feeling a little "feverish". I usually feel "cold" when I actually have a fever (shiver and can't get "warm"). 

DH will feel my forehead and say I feel warm. I take my temperature and it is about 98.6 degrees (which is warmer than usual). 

So now I am concerned. I have heard fevers in PG can be bad for the baby.

I have been avoiding all caffeine, artificial sweeteners, my heating pad and all over the counter medicine. So I don't think it is something I am eating/doing. 

I am just worried because I am trying so hard to be healthy for the baby. 

Should I call a doctor? 

"How long till my soul gets it right? Can any human being ever reach the highest light? Except for Galileo, god rest his soul, king of night vision, king of insight." ~ Indigo Girls Anniversary
When you've been married this long, you need a ticker to remind you.

BFP 11/24/2012 with EDD 8/07/2013
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