
6 oz total!! :(

I'm SO sad!!  My supply has been slowly decreasing over the past month or two. I went from pumping 12-14oz/day to 12oz to 10oz to 9 oz before Thanksgiving. Then Thanksgiving break seemed to kill my supply, and when I returned last week, I could barely pump 7 oz per day. 

Now today, after pumping 3x for 35 min each (so a total of 1 hr and 45 minutes of pumping today) I have gotten a grand total of 6 oz.  I don't know why my body is just failing me!!  I haven't done anything different!!!  Baby is still not really eating solids, so she's still drinking 16oz per day at daycare!!!  I'm just so crushed and don't know what to do!!  

Why would my supply continue to go down when I am not doing ANYTHING different!!???  In fact, I'm trying to pump for longer!!!  I'm just so depressed!!  Why am I doing this for so little milk?!?!  I just wish my body worked like it was supposed to!!!  


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