3rd Trimester

High BP - More bedrest

I need ideas of things I can do other than go broke on Amazon, surf the bump and watch the DIY network.

I was 150/84 going in and after 10 minutes on my left side I was 140/80. I'm so over bed rest. They'd like me to make it to 38 weeks. I really want to make it to 39 weeks before we talk about intervention of any sort. I really want to make it come naturally, honestly.

Of course the baby has been on my sciatic nerve all.freaking.weekend and then today I wake up and it doesn't hurt! Go figure. The Dr suggested if it happens again I get a prescription of percocet filled. I was kind of freaking out because I haven't taken anything this whole pregnancy except my prenatals and tylenol when I need it. She reassured me it would be okay and if I don't want it, to throw it away but she wanted me to have it so I had a choice if it got as bad as it did this weekend.

Ugh. Anyone else in my boring boat?

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