3rd Trimester

Ryan Grant is Here!! Long

WARNING - my delivery had a great outcome but is not for the faint of heart!


On Wednesday 11/28 I was 39 weeks, 0 cm, and 0%. I went for a walk with my dog and spent the day catching up on work from confident that baby would not be arriving any earlier than 12/10 (even though he was due 12/5). Being a first time mom I was certain I would go late. DH came home around 4 from work and I decided to take a shower. When I got out of the shower I sat down in my bathrobe and felt a small trickle. I said "I better go finish drying off, because either I am still wetter from my shower than I thought or my water just broke." I went in dried off really well and laid on the couch for half an hour. When i stood up at first nothing happened, then I got to the bathroom and there was a HUGE gush. What I didn't expect was that apparently when your water breaks IT KEEPS GUSHING.....so as we got dressed and headed to the hospital I continued having gushes of fluid.

 Once at the hospital they started me on a very low dose of pitocin as there were not any contractions yet. The contractions started intensifying and around 1 am I asked for the epidural. This made it so I got some sleep overnight. The next morning it was finally time to push. I pushed for two hours with increasing back pain. The pain got so intense I was blacking out. I couldn't understand why the pain was so bad since I had the epidural. My OB decided I needed a break and they called anesthesia to give me a stronger immobilizing epidural reserved for C-sections so I could rest.

I napped for two hours. When I woke up I had regained enough feeling that I could try pushing again.  I pushed for another 2 and a half hours. During that time the pain in my back came to the point of being unbeareable. My OB finally said baby was "sunny side up." Meaning his nose was toward my front and his head was stuck between my spine and pubic bone. Apparently 75% of deliveries like this end in C-section. She only let me push so long because I was still pushing strong and his heart was tolerating it well. At this point, incoherent from pain they gave me the Immobilizing drugs for a c-section again. DH was not allowed in until they could be certain that this round of epidural drugs would actually work as I had mixed effectiveness with the drugs I had been given in the past 24 hours. They delivered Baby Ryan Grant. He was wedged in diagonally and had apparently been digging at my spine for the past 24 hours - hence the back pain and back labor.  He is completely healthy and we came home last night.

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