Pregnant after IF

Fetal echo

We had our fetal echo today and it was completely normal!!  We are so relieved!  He did say that 50% of DS infants will develop perinatal issues but they are very minor.  He felt extremely confident that if there was anything major they would have picked it up.

We still have our repeat a/s on wed. and meeting with the mfm but from now on I hope that I can begin to relax some and get back to the joy of being pregnant. 

Me 38, DB 38. Unexplained infertility. TTC 3 years. 3 failed IUI's. IVF #1 5-20. 3 embies transferred day 3. First beta 5-31. BFN. IVF#2 ER 7-31. 3 embies transferred day 3. Beta 1=144. beta #2=527. beta#3 3027. US: 1 perfect heartbeat at 156!
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