
Directions for Expressed Breastmilk

Where can I find good directions re: feeding breastmilk from a bottle?  In terms of safety, schedule, etc.

My MIL watches LO on Fridays and she lacks experience with bottle feeding and it is causing some issues with LO.  Example, it will take her an hour to feed LO a 6-oz bottle because at any possible grimace she says "oh, he's gassy" and takes 5-minutes to try and burp him.  Plus, she has the tendency to mistake sleepy for hungry, so she tries to feed LO when he's tired which of course doesn't work so well.  So she'll feed him 2 ounces, he'll fall asleep, then she'll try to feed him the rest whenever he wakes up, which could be 30 minutes to two hours later.

I'm trying to communicate to her some simple, standardized rules - from experience I have learned she really needs to be told exactly what to do (we have to give her a diaper changing schedule or else she will only think to change him if he smells).  Simple stuff like "if he doesn't finish the bottle in 30-minutes, one hour max the milk should be pitched".  But I am drawing a blank and could benefit from something already written.  


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