Pregnant after IF

Our very first BFP was short lived :( Advice please?

Hi after 2 years of battling infertility, 12 failed IUIs, a failed fresh IVF (15 eggs retrieved/12 mature/9 fertilized - 3 day transfer of two 8 celled embies) and failed FET (used 3 embies leftover from the first fresh cycle - one 5 celled - two six celled) our 2nd fresh IVF (only 5 eggs retrieved/4 mature/2 fertilized and transferred on day 2) brought us our first very BFP on 11/20 but it was short lived....on that day my beta was 49.6 - on 11/23 it only went up to 66 - on 11/26 dropped to 9 and I had cramping and heavy bleeding/clotting (sorry TMI!) and on 11/28 dropped to 2.7 - a confirmed CP :(  As of today I am no longer bleeding.  Very frustrating as I am a healthy 32 year old with no issues (all of my tests/HSG/hysteroscopies/bloodwork/urine and ultrasounds have showed everything is completely normal - my egg quality is good also - I asked the doc if they recommend we have PGD done they said no), my hubby is 41 - we have both had every test under the sun and the only issue we have is severe MFI (low sperm count caused by an increased FSH).  We were devastated but have moved on and are staying optimistic and positive!  We had our cycle review appointment and have our new protocol for fresh IVF #3 so are excited!  This is our last fresh cycle in our shared risk package and we have 2 frozen cycles left so this cycle is so very important - our docs want to repeat all the extra steps taken with our last cycle plus double my dose of Gonal F to try to get as many eggs out as possible but at the same time keep an eye on me to avoid overstimulating.  I am having a D&C on 12/5 to "clean me out" - in addition to ICSI we are again doing PICSI, assisted hatching and coculture.  From 12/6 to 1/6 I will be taking estrace, prometrium, levaquin and synthroid (this is in addition the my daily prenatal vitamins and low dose aspirin).   I am also doing acupuncture this cycle which I have never done before, my first session is today and will be once a week up to the week of retrieval - the day before retrieval and day before transfer.  They are expecting my next period to arrive the first week of January at which point I will go back in for the bloodwork/ultrasounds with retrieval being sometime mid-end of January.  Our docs are very aggressive and are doing everything they can for us, we absolutely love them!  I am just looking to see if any of you can offer me any advice for this cycle and have any of you been through a lot to get your BFP that stuck around?  Were any of your ok but were dealing with MFI?  Any thoughts, stories, suggestions would be much appreciated!  I want to thank you all for your support and comments to my posts over the last 2 years and am asking that you continue to pray for us - thank you :)
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