Single Parents

Sweetie's Quotable Quips Reposted


In most states you can't just "sign away" your rights as a parent.  If it were that easy to get out of CS MANY Deadbeat parents would be beating down the court door to do this.

CS =/= visitation they are 2 separate issues Visitation can still be ordered even if they never pay a dime and have tens of thousands in back CS owed.

You don't just get Supervised visitation b/c he's never been around a child before. OR b/c you don't "trust" him anymore.  The courts see it as you trusted him enough to make a baby therefore he gets the chance to parent just as much as you do.

Just b/c he's abusive to you doesn't mean, in the eyes of the law, he will be abusive to the child therefore he gets parenting unsupervised rights.

I know that's counterintutive but I have lived this and a quite a few others also have lived this.  Courts don't take away parent's rights until AFTER horrible things have happened and can be proven.

Adoption is a very loving and valid selfless choice.  It's worth considering.


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