Dads & Dads-to-be

Change jobs for less travel?

I am writing on behalf of my husband...

 He works as a consultant currently and is very often on the road (NYC one week, Atlanta the next) and often in one location for Monday-Thursdays week after week. Despite numerous pleas with his current company to travel less (especially now with baby on the way), the nature of his work does not allow for such flexibility.

He was recently approached with a non-travel opportunity doing similar work.. You would think this would be a no-brainer.. but its a bit more complicated than that...

If he stays with his current company, he has the opportunity to climb the ladder rather quickly and nearly triple his salary in less than 5 years. He will also continue to have luxury work-from-home days every now and then, but he will also travel... probably even more than he does now.

If he leaves for the new opportunity, he will HAVE to report to an office everyday, monday-friday (no more working from home), but he won't travel at all... his salary, although will still be comfortable, will never blow up they way it could with his current position.

 Any other dads (or moms) have experience in such a decision? Advice?

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