
Donating Breastmilk

Hi ladies, this past weekend I donated 100 oz of BM to a nice woman through Milk for Human Babies.  We met up for coffee first (I felt like I was on a job interview or a date!) and then I gave her the milk.  Obviously she asked if I was on any meds and I brought my baby with to show her how happy and healthy my baby was. 

So, my question is, would you guys donate and/or accept donated breastmilk from a stranger?  I did it and I think I would accept donated BM if I needed it.  But for example, my husband was totally shocked women would accept BM from strangers.  He told me he would NEVER want to accept donated BM for our girls.

I think it's becoming more common to accept donated BM too.  I think it's a wonderful thing, but would you guys do it?   

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