
Binder Rash?

Greetings ladies!

I am from the multiples board.  I had the C-Section of my twins on Thursday 11/29. I was just released from the hospital today and everything seems to be fine save for a rash that I seem to be developing.  I thought maybe it was just the indentation from the binder but it didn't go away after having it off for a few hours. It seems to only be on my belly and not my back.  So it may still be indentations on the flabby parts for lack of a better term. The nurses never said I should take this thing off from time to time or gave me any instructions for it now that I can remember. I am going to leave it off over night just in case.  I love having it on!  It helps me soo much. I am in much more pain with it off :(.

Any suggestions are welcome! TY! 

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