Pregnant after IF

Went shopping today!!!

Well almost ALL of my regular pants are tooooo tight! DH and I went shopping for maternity clothes today and I am so excited to have pants to wear that aren't going to pinch my hips or dig into my belly!! Also got some cute shirts!
Anyone else just do/about to do maternity clothes shopping?
Tried to conceive on our own for a year before moving on to fertility treatments. Dx unexplained. About 10 months of procedures, shots, and countless doctor appointments, we got our BFP! BFN on 5 IUI's
IVF#1 - ER 09/14/12, ET 09/17/12: two 8 cells, BFP: 9/28 Beta#1 56.8; 10/2 Beta#2 284; 10/5 Beta#3 939; 10/9 Beta #4 4967. One baby on board with EDD 06/07/13!
Lilypie Maternity tickers
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