1st Trimester

Announcing your BFP or keeping it under wraps?

Last time, we told my mom and MIL around 8 weeks but waited to tell everyone else until 12 weeks. I just got my BFP today and have happy hour plans with some high school friends and their husbands.  We only get together 1-2 times per year with spouses and I picked my favorite martini bar for today!  I also have book club on Tuesday (we always have wine), my Xmas party and DHs Xmas party next weekend and I'm on a board for work and am in charge of planning that Xmas party.  I'm thinking people will definitely notice if I'm not drinking, but I'm soooo early I don't know hat I want to go reporting it to everyone!  

I guess my question is what would you do?  Make up a fib, avoid e question if possible or just tell?  People generally know we want to have another.  We bought a larger house this summer to accommodate a larger family. 

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