
Poor milk transfer?

Ds2 was tongue tied and we had it clipped. It made a lot if difference for us. He is also a preemie and has been bottle fed at least three bottles of fortified BM a day since he was able to eat. We use dr browns preemie nipples.

He used to get his fortified BM overnight. But he gets it during the day now I'm back to work. I nurse him from 530 when I get home until 620 the next day when I leave for work. Dh says he takes 2 maybe 3oz at a time for a total of around 18oz a day. He sleeps for two or three hours at a time. During the day. At night, he'll nurse until I can't keep him awake any longer. I blow in his face, do Newman compressions, tickle his feet, etc. I'll put him down and I'll maybe get an hour of sleep out of him. He's 10 weeks actual, 18 days adjusted.

He takes the breast fine. Maybe a little fussy at first when I get home. But he nurses well and I think does a lot of sucking for comfort. I just don't think he gets enough from me at a time to keep him satisfied longer. Tuesday night I got a combined total of 2 hours of sleep. He especially likes to eat nonstop from about 330am until about 7am.

My pedi, who I usually love, said to Ferberize him because at 8lb11oz, he should be sleeping at least 5 hours. I'm not going to do this. At least not now. A pediatrician friend of mine told me to ignore this idiotic advice.

So last night, he took about 2oz while I pumped to keep my supply. He wanted a bit more when I was done so I nursed him. Put him in the rnp. This was 1130 ish. He was up at 2 to nurse and again at 3. From 3 to 530, he nursed nonstop. I finally put him down and had to walk away. He screamed and cried. At 6, dh gave him his morning bottle of 2 oz. he slept until 815 ish. I fed him on one boob while I pumped the other and switched. He was awake and content until about 9. I fed him again. He slept until maybe 10. He nursed again. 11 he nursed again.

Do you think it could be poor milk transfer from his tongue tie? Did they not clip enough? Because he sleeps well after a bottle. Never 5 freaking hours, but well. My pedi friend told me to check for residual tongue tie and she'll write me a referral to correct it. But do you think the milk transfer could be the issue? I know my supply is good because I pump more than he eats by 1 or 2 oz. thanks for any input.

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