Single Parents

may be a single mom soon :(

My husband and I have been fighting non stop-usually about his family, but also about other things.  Anyway, I want to go to counseling.  He refuses.  So, I have an appointment to meet with an attorney next week.  Here's the issue-he's a stay at home dad-has been for the past 2 months since he quit his job to move for a fantastic opportunity for me (I make more now than the two of us did combined before).  I am typically 8-5 but do work one weekend a month.  Our plan was for him to start looking for work, but he has not done so.  So, I am concerned about custody-will he get full custody since he's the primary caretaker for our daughter?  Does the fact that he quit his job for mine play into this at all?  I am fine with weekend visits and even one night per week with him.  I just want her with me personally.  My job is with children (I am a pediatrician) so I feel like that should help me out.  I just hate to lose her.  By the way, she's 18 months old.


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