Boston Babies

Elective u/s recs

Hey there! So I'm originally from Boston but living in California the past five years. My whole family is still back in Boston, and I'll be home for Christmas in a few weeks. My mom has had a hard time dealing with my pregnancy being so far away, and she feels like she isn't really part of things because she can't be here. She asked me to try and video chat with her during my a/s next week (which I doubt will happen, since they have a very strict no-cell phone policy).

So I was thinking that getting an elective u/s at Christmastime where she and my dad can come and see the baby would be a perfect Christmas gift for them, but the places I've found seem SO expensive. I've looked at: A New Conception, Peekaboo, and Goldenview. They cost twice as much as it costs to get one done where I live now! I'd really love to do this for them, but we are on a really tight budget in preparation for baby and just can't spend that kind of money right now, and even the deals we've found at these places aren't that great and don't bring it into our price range (which is under $100, but ideally $80 or less). So, does anybody know of any other places in the area (I don't mind if it is a bit of a drive) to get one done? Any recommendations would be appreciate! TIA! 

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