Pregnant after IF

First ultrasound questions and vent

In my own world, I consider myself 5w4d today since I know what day my egg fertilized, it is two days earlier than using my LMP. My RE seems to like doing betas as I am going for my 5th on Monday. As of last Thursday, my beta was 1942, 18dp5dt. I think they are waiting till it gets above 2000 to schedule my first ultrasound. Just wondering when you ladies had your first ultrasounds and what you saw or heard. My nurse is telling me that it will just be looking for the sac and I can't hear the heartbeat until about 7.5 weeks. I also go to a satellite office since my RE is over an hour away and will only see a tech and pretty sure she won't tell me anything. I am hoping I can somehow get down to my RE's office so I can be told right then. Has anyone else only had a tech do the first ultrasound? This is freaking me out! also, do you usually get a pic of the sac. Please share anything with me! My office is stressing me out and I can't wait to get out of there! By the way, they charged me 750 to monitor me after I found out I was pregnant, which I didn't want to pay but the gyno refuses to see me until they release me and the gyno doesn't do any of this extra bloodwork and monitoring so I couldn't be released even if I wanted to!
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