Pregnant after IF

Calm me down please...

So I'm taking estradiol 2mg BID and PIO daily.  After betas, the nurse said to continue on taking both medications.  I found out both betas in a crazy time (during my grandfather's funeral) so I think that's what I heard but I wrote down nothing.  I go to refill my estradiol prescription tonight and the pharm tech made a big deal about making sure I wasn't pregnant because this medication is contraindicated in pregnancy.  I was like, "well I am, but my physician is very aware of that.  It was an IVF cycle."  This causes her to then go consult with pharmacist for several minutes.  The pharmacist comes back and says "we will give this to you but you just need to understand the risks with pregnancy...blah blah blah."  I obviously trust my physician but now I'm afraid I misheard the nurse about continuing with it.  I did a little googling (obvi) and I think my hearing is just fine about continuing with it, but please give me some confirmation!!!!
Me: 26 DH: 26
Together 11 years, Married 3.5 years
TTC #1 since 12/2010 with unexplained IF
HSG: normal SA: normal
Jan 2011-April 2011: Femara 2.5 mg with 4 failed cycles
May 2012-Aug 2012: 3 IUIs- 100mg Clomid + Ovidrel + Endometrin = BFNs
November 2012: IVF #1 ER: 11/2 22 eggs retrieved. ET: 5dt on 11/7 (2 transferred)
Beta #1 on 11/19: 1069 Beta #2 on 11/21: 2752
1st ultrasound 12/5- It's TWINS!!!
Baby B with omphalocele...awaiting amnio for further testing
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