1st Trimester

how to get sperm in belly

I came to this board cause youv all had success. I didnt want to post on trying to get knocked up cause they cant figure it out, lol. Im trying to get pregnant with my husband but cause of matching dnas we need to use other sperms. He is my moms son too. We dont have the money for a fancy place to do it so we found a friend that will give us his sperm in a cup. We just don't know what to do with it after that. LOL. kinda grose DO we keep them cold. How do I get the sperms in me? How do we know if his sperms are good. My friend said he might have some fungos on his dingdong but he is the only one that will help we really want a baby. please don't judge us. We cant be stopped. We get to have a baby just like you guys. i just need you help with the sperms
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