Pregnant after IF

Update - 1st u/s appt.

So on Sunday I put out a post for hope since I was bleeding and scared out of my mind. The bleeding stopped that day and it was not too much, no cramping or anything but you just never know and after going through IF, it's hard to not think the worst. For any ladies out there who are bleeding, it is very normal in the 1st trimester, my RE had told me not to worry unless it got heavier and I was cramping.

I had my first u/s today at 7 weeks and everything was looking right on track and we saw our one little bean and it's beautiful heartbeat and it was by far one of the most amazing moments of my life. Measing in at 7wks and 4 days, so we are feeling so very blessed and could not be happier. Long road ahead, but I am thankful each day for this blessing.

Thanks for all the T & P's that were sent and kind words on my last post on needing hope, its so great to have such a wonderful support system on here.  


BabyFruit Ticker Me (30) DH (31)
Been with DH for 6 years
Married 6/11
Began TTC 8/11
5/12 DH DX with MFI - low everything
6/12 Met with RE and Urologist - Unexplained MFI
8/12 Began 1st IVF/ICSI
9/2/12 ER - 25 eggs, 4 frosties, 2 transferred
9/10/12 Beta #1 = 4, 9/12/2012 Beta #2 - 8, Beta #3 - 5 = Chemical Pregnancy - BFN
10/12 moving on with FET
11/1/12 - Embryo Transfer (2 embies transferred)
11/12/12 (11 dpt) Beta #1 - 674 - BFP
11/14/12 (13 dpt) Beta #2 - 1699
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