
Calm me down. Re: 2nd c-section...

Warning: long, graphic..


I had an emergency c-section with my LO 19 months ago. It was obviously not what I wanted, but it was needed and she was born perfect and healthy so i was happy.

My problems started once I got home from the hospital. I started to feel sick/feverish and my incision was very hot. So hot i would put an ice pack on it and the ice pack would actually become hot to the touch in just a few minutes time. In my first time mom stupor i shrugged it off until it became a major problem. I ended up being rushed to the hospital from my OB's office 10 days post CS. I was hospitalized for 4 days and had to be put under general anesthesia to have my CS site cleaned and a drain placed. I had home nurses and hospital rechecks for 2 weeks after that.

My point is, DH and I really want another LO, but i am terrified of going through what i went through before. I know it could have been way worse, but I'm still so nervous. I don't know what to do or who to talk to about this. Any help would be appreciated.

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