
pumping at work HELP

I posted about this a while ago but Im still feeling lost...

I will be working one, ten hour day a week. every other day baby is with me. i go to work tomorrow and I am really scared that I will not be able to pump. They have given me 2 30-minute breaks for pumping but I have tried at home and nothing is coming out :(  Im really nervous that I will end up engorged and leaking all day long. The longest I have gone without feeding is 6 hours and they were FULL.

any tips for what I should do if Im not getting any milk out? Im more nervous about this than starting the new job! My plan is to try pumping again today and to load up my bra with breast pads just in case...


* thank you for the advice, Im going to look over the pump today to make sure that all of the pieces are in good condition.

I should have mentioned that we do supplement with formula... Ive been working half days on saturdays for a while and I wasnt pumping because I was not gone for to long and he would just FF when I was gone. So Im not so much concerned about getting enough milk, I more concerned with engorgement and leaking issues. I will try to relax and I think I may try to manually pump both sides at the same time (if this doesnt work I will invest in a double electric) Ive heard that double pumping is more effective.

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