1st Trimester

Frustrated About Birthing Options

This is sort of a follow-up from my OB or CNM post yesterday...

My insurance will only cover CPMs, not CNMs, and there are no CPMs in my area.  Like, for over 100 miles.  Also no birth centers and no home birth options.  Literally my only option is hospital birth besides unattended and, IMO, that's not an option for me.  But I really want to have the freedom to move around and choose my birthing position, which neither hospital offers.  I have attended a few births, all home births, and never once has the mother felt comfortable delivering on her back lying in a bed.  I just don't want to have that freedom taken away from me.  Am I being an insane crazy pregnant lady, or would it be OK to look into birth centers in the next large city area which is about an hour and a half away?  I HATE the thought of that, especially any contractions in a car and the drive home afterward, but right now that seems more appealing to me than the hospital options I have.


Janine & Cody | Georgetown, Grand Cayman | Feb. 28th, 2012

Surprise BFP | Baby Due Late July/Early August 2013

Pregnancy Ticker

I believe in a lot of things. I believe in fresh tennis balls, the healing power of bunnies, and that the novels of Susan Sontag are something I'll never read. In fact, I don't even know who Susan Sontag is. What is she... like... a painter? I believe in Crystal Lite because I believe in ME. I believe in the movies of Val Kilmer, though these days it ain't so easy. I believe in Darren Sproles, the word "dabble", the first season of "Silk Stockings", and big, warm, moist, gooey chocolate chip cookies that melt in your mouth and all over your face.

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