1st Trimester

Pregnant and Vegan?

Hello all,

So I went Vegan about 8 months ago. I am just going to be 5 weeks tomorrow so it is very early. I have my first appointment on 12/17 at which time I am going to go into more detail with my OB about  diet but as we have been working with him  over the past 8 months to conceiveh e is aware that I am vegan and does not have concerns. My husband is not Vegan ( full on meat eater). He was very supprotive before getting pregnant but now worries the baby will not get the nutrition it needs. I initially went vegan to gelp conceive. I thought getting healthier might help and I have PCOS so weight loss can help regulate things . I lost 30 lbs so it certainly could have contributed  to getting pregnant. Now I just feel heathier and do not want to go back. I also want to do everything in my power to make this a good pregancy. Any thoughts?? Any vegans out there ? I drink orange juice for calcium, take prenatals, eat beans and nuts for protien, and I get  plenty of carbs with pastas and breads, potatos and rice. I drink almond milk  and eat soy protein and garden burgers. plenty of fruit and veggies also.

looking for some advice... thanks ladies

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