1st Trimester

UTI in the 1st Tri

Hi Ladies- I am not currently pregnant, but I am TTC. I have a horrible horrible UTI that the Dr. prescribed macrobid for. I know this antibiotic is safe for pregnancy, but my concern is if it doesn't work (it didn't last time the infection was this bad) I'll need to go on another medication.

So my question is, is there anyone here who had a resistant UTI in the first trimester, and were there safe medications other than macrobid to treat it?  I'm trying to figure out whether or not we need to put TTC on hold this month (my gut is telling me yes, but I figured I'd see if I could find some more info first)

I'd love to ask my Dr. but I don't have a PCP or OB here yet (we moved recently) and the Dr. at the urgent care clinic just kept repeating that macrobid was pregnancy class B, and refused to discuss it any further. I have calls in to a few other Dr.s but haven't heard back.

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