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Q for the dads from a FTM

Hey there! So I'm going to preface this by saying that this question is totally from me and not from Spouseman at all, so it isn't like he is even concerned about this.

This is our first pregnancy/baby and I'm due in May. I'm going to be a stay at home mom while he keeps working full time. From what I've read here and heard from a good friend of ours who had his first in February, when dad gets home from he work, he pretty much takes care of all things baby for a while to give mom a break and spend time with the kid. While I think that sounds GREAT for me, I'm worried about him! If he is just getting home after a long day of work, is it really fair to expect him to take care of the baby in the few hours of down time he has before going to bed to get up and do it all over again? The way it is now, he tends to be pretty wiped when he gets home, and likes to just relax on the couch on the computer catching up with the news, playing video games, or watching tv with me. I guess it is really hard for me to imagine him being able to take care of a baby during that time. And I don't think that it is really fair of me to expect that from him either, because he does work so hard, you know? I know he likes his quiet time to wind down and relax. I just don't want him to feel like he never gets a break in exchange for me being able to have one. 

ETA: He is already very good with helping me with the housework, but we aren't the neatest people, so we don't really clean up all that often. But we split the household chores about evenly, he does the litterboxes (we have cats) and the vacuuming, I do the laundry and clean the bathrooms, and we both clean the kitchen/living room (typically, he organizes the paper stuff in the living room and cleans the big pans, I clean the actual kitchen and the coffee table, and we both fill and empty the dishwasher equally or do it together). But I feel like all of that is nothing compared to taking care of a baby, because like I said, we don't do all of that very often, and it is mostly on the weekends, not during the week anyways.

Any thoughts/advice on this? TIA! 

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