Pregnant after IF

My babies are here!!!!! long sorry!!

alright, so here we go. I have been contracting for a long time and slowly starting to efface and dilate. This last monday 11/26 we called the doc just to ask about an increase in pressure i had been having. she had us come in to l&d just to check us out, it was her on call day so it was perfect! we go there, they hooked me up and of course i was contracting but nothing tooo terrible. she checked me and said i was a 1cm with a little room and she coud feel the presenting babies butt, which she couldnt last week. she decided that we would start the steroid shots for babies lungs and assumed we would maybe make it another week or so. she checked me again right before she discharged me just to make sure the contrax werent changing my cervix quickly, they werent. she told me to call if something happened and that she was on call till 730 the next morning.

so home we went, uncomfortable and a little irritable with all the discomfort of baby in my crotch lol. i took 3 showers just to try to help relax me because the steroid shot was keeping me wide awake. we finally fell asleep at 130 in the morning and i got up to go potty at about 330 and when i laid down i noticed a contraction and decided while i was up i would time them, well on the 3rd contraction at 6 min apart i felt a blub blub blub pop.. it felt like AF had just started, i asked dh to grab me a towel and sure enough it was my water, there was sooooooooo much of it!!! i took a quick shower and off we went back to labor and delivery. we met my doc there and started to talk about the csection(both babies have been breech forever)

ok, so here is where it gets tricky.. i have been on lovenox and ideally you dont want to give a spinal until 12 hrs after the last injection b/c if i started bleeding then they couldnt put pressure on it to stop it. so we needed to wait until 8 am, it was about 5 am at this point. the contractions were SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO bad, and i have such a tolerance for pain but after my water broke it was down hill from there. it was all back labor and felt like my hips were going to split. the doc gave me the option of going all the way under and she would get them out right then and there. i told her i thought i could wait it out and deal with the pain. well come 6am my baby A was starting to really not tolerate the contractions, HR was down to 70's during them, so my doc sat there and watched for 20 min.. the contractions got sooooo much worse during that period and i was maybe getting a min rest in between. my doc ultimately made the call that the babies were coming right then and there.. under general anesthesia... i was going all alone to the OR(well my medical team was soooo awesome so it wasnt so bad)

part two of the craziness, they cant start the general anesthesia until you are alllll the way prepped b/c the babies would get it too and be born asleep and need vents to breathe. so there i laid on a table in the worst pain of my whole life(flat on my back), naked and freezing while they prepped me, the catheter was the worst! finally after 3 of the longest contrax i heard my doc say it was go time, i was asleep and the babies were out in minutes, they were born in the same min actually!! they were sent out to the nicu with dh and my mom right away while they fixed me up.

i went to recovery to monitor my uterus which was a little boggy from the blood thinners but after 2.5 hrs i was good to go! i finally got to go see my babies! they are in the special care nursery and doing soooooooo wonderful. every doc and nurse has told us how impressed they are with them and how awesome they are for 33 weekers!! we have a little Boy and a Girl!!! baby A is Rocco Wulfgang weighing in at 4lbs even 17 3/4in.. having a few minor breathing issues but nothing really and Baby B is Stella Mae weighing in at 3lb 4oz 16.5 in. she is a rockstar on room air and everything!! they have little nasal feeding tubes and get donor breastmilk from the hospital until mine increase a little. whatever i do pump goes straight to their mouths during skin to skin!!

If you made it to the end you are a champ!!! I am so in love and every pill and needle was sooooooooooooooo worht it ladies.. i know it gets tough but i promise you wont even think about it when you see that face(or 2 or 3)

i will try to post some pics soon!!!


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