1st Trimester

Round ligament pain at 6 weeks?

Hi All,

I am 6 weeks with my third pregnancy and am having what I think is RLP occasionally. I experienced it quite early with both of my two boys first so. At about 14 or 15 weeks and second one at about 11. I've had a bad cough lately and the other night I got the momentary stabbing pain on my right side with a coughing fit. This has happened about 3 times. It feels exactly like RLP did but I am wondering if it is too early for that? Of course I started thinking about an ectopic but I have no idea if that would be more constant or severe.

Everything else is great, no spotting or bleeding, just an occasional light cramping/pulling sensation, that I experienced with my previous 2 pregnancies. Any insight would be appreciated! Thanks :
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